
Informationspflicht laut §5 E-Commerce Gesetz, §14 Unternehmensgesetzbuch, §63 Gewerbeordnung und Offenlegungspflicht laut §25 Mediengesetz.

Childcare by Aupair
Nataliya Schreiber
Langenstegstraße 43a,
6971 Hard

Unternehmensgegenstand: Arbeitsvermittlung
GISA: 2021-1207120155382

Tel.: +43(0)6767805750
E-Mail: in**@ch***************.com

Mitglied bei: WKO
Berufsrecht: Gewerbeordnung:

Aufsichtsbehörde/Gewerbebehörde: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Bregenz
Berufsbezeichnung: Arbeitsvermittler
Verleihungsstaat: Österreich

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Childcare by Aupair
Schreiber Nataliya
E-Mail-Adresse: in**@ch***************.com
Telefon: +43(0)6767805750

Quelle: Erstellt mit dem Impressum Generator von AdSimple

Popular questions

Do you have anymore questions? Get our advice

Why do you need an au pair?

An au pair has many advantages: Cost efficiency, linguistic advantages, Trust and a clear conscience, flexible and personally adapted childcare, cultural enrichment, a conciliatory balance between work and private life, a new alternative in terms of your childcare.

What does Au pair year bring for the future?

As an au pair you get the unique chance to develop personally (everything from personal responsibility to decision-making is included), Immerse yourself in a new culture (during the stay with the host family, an au pair gets to know everything up close - from how to celebrate Christmas and Easter to what is traditionally cooked for lunch), to make many new acquaintances from all over the world, Improve foreign language skills (from the daily use of the foreign language in the host family to an official language course - you will notice how the level of your language skills improves from month to month) and of course travel (from excursions in the area to vacation with the family - adventure is waiting for you).

What are the daily tasks of an au pair?

The daily tasks of an au pair are very different. They depend entirely on the nature and lifestyle of the family that the au pair has taken in. The main task of an au pair is to support the host family in looking after the children. The everyday life of an au pair generally includes: to supervise the younger children and to accompany them on their way to kindergarten or school or to certain events, to go for a walk or to play with them; to do light housework, that is, to help keep the apartment clean and tidy and to wash and iron the laundry; prepare breakfast and simple meals; to look after the house or apartment and to look after the pets. The tasks of an au pair do not include the care of the sick and the elderly (looking after family members in need of care).

How many hours does an au pair work?

Aupair has at least one day off per week and a total of 5 weeks of paid vacation per year. The working time is approx. 20 hours per week. The au pair's flexibility is often very much appreciated by the families.

How long does a mediation take?

The duration of the placement of the au pair depends on which country they come from. If the au pair is required to have a visa, the whole process can take about 2-3 months before she is allowed to enter the family. If entry without a visa is to be possible (certain nationalities do not need a visa), the au pair can get to know the host family personally in 3-4 weeks.

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